Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another round, blogtender!

I was just thinking about blogs last night. Specifically, this blog - this poor, neglected little thing of a blog :-)

I was wondering how my blog friends were (aka, missing you lovely, cool people who manage to stop by), and feeling as though I needed to start writing again. I felt this way around the middle of last year, when I wrote about my ill-timed (though is there ever a good time? It may even have been well-timed!) run-in with Ye Olde Heartbreake.

Last year, though, I was for the most part consumed with study, with a bit of forcibly-wrangled time on the side for Baboushka, moving house twice (ewww) and op-shop visiting. Which didn't leave a lot of time for blogging :-(

And then, this morning, I had a comment on one of my old posts! Bizarre and excellent timing. I think it may be time to borrow a camera and blog anew...

(PS: Baboushka is 3-and-a-bit! And I'm a qualified teacher! And we live in a new house, complete with amazing old wallpaper and a sliver of a view of the ocean and stickers of fish on every light fitting, courtesy of my 3-year-old interior decorator!)

Wow, that took me forever to work out how to separate paragraphs. It's been a while..

1 comment:

Helen said...

congrats on becoming a teacher! nice to see you back :)
your baby has grown!!