Thursday, May 7, 2009

When fast food is not enough

My plans to make a Butterscotch Self-saucing Pudding have been foiled. Oh, the humanity! When Pat ducked out to our local IGA yesterday, three ingredients made it home; brown sugar was forgotten. And since that is a fairly important component of any recipe involving caramel, my BSSP will have to wait.
(photo from La Mia Cucina via Google)

Which brings me to the question: why oh why do we not have a cake/patisserie/other baked goods-version of McDonalds*? The amount of times I've wanted, nay, needed some sort of sweet treat at 9:58pm on a school night and not had the right ingredients/enough motivation to DIY one myself...

*I do not frequent McDonalds, nor do I wish to promote it. But if a cake version did exist, I would likely frequent it.

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